Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 6: Monday

Today, I volunteered for a few hours at an elementary in my hometown (sorta; it's not the elementary school I attended). My mom's friend is a Master Gardener, and every year she plants seeds and plants with the kindergarten classes; these plants are given as Mother's Day gifts to the mothers of the children. It was so much fun helping these children. Heide tells a cute story about how seeds grow. The children were pretty excited, and sometimes had difficulty following directions but were mostly well-behaved. Some were very excited about plants--one little boy informed me that he and his mom were planting their garden at home, so he already knew about planting. Some of the little ones were quite certain they could do it themselves, while some sought more re-assurance. In all, they were adorable.

My evening was spent catching up on some online reading--and fighting with my computer. Both my laptop and desktop are old, and therefore prone to slow-downs. I figured out what sort of RAM my desktop needs, and I may perhaps buy some more as a short-term solution (I've extended the life of my laptop with a new hard drive and maxed out on the memory). I also begin reading Freakanomics while watching Mythbusters (am I a nerd?).

At Mom and Dad's, I read the advertisements from yesterday's newspaper, and I think I'm going to buy a raised garden bed tomorrow, in a start to planting my vegetable garden. I will definitely need to get a fence, too, because of the great number of rabbits in the neighborhood. I need cages for my tomatoes, too, and while I'm there, I'll probably get some green pepper plants (yum!) and perhaps some cherry tomatoes. I'm very much looking forward to growing a garden, so I really hope that I can manage to keep these alive and enjoy the fruits of my labor. I'll see how much yard work I can get done tomorrow--including mowing the lawn!

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