Thursday, May 30, 2013

Day Two

I didn't accomplish nearly as much as I wanted to today.  On the other hand, I did deposit my check from my previous employer that paid out my vacation time.  Had I known it was coming this soon, I would've waited to send in my paycheck.  Such is life, I guess.

I took a nearly nine mile bike ride (8.99, if I recall).  It should've/could've been a lot shorter, but I decided to go straight where I usually turn.  Tomorrow I plan on taking a walk, but I'm not quite sure where.  I might walk around the neighborhood sidewalks in my usual walking path--although walk AROUND the pond this time!--but I'm also thinking it could be fun to walk to the bike/walking paths and walk around the lake.  The walking path goes closer to the lake than the walking path, so it would be slightly different for part of the walk.  Maybe I'll wait until next week and I'll bike to the lake, lock up my bike, and walk around the lake.  Hmm.  There's possibility to that.  I'm walking tomorrow to give my biking muscles a rest, since I know I'll be biking 10 miles on Saturday.

Bobbi called and asked if I wanted to go to CostCo.  When I was clothes shopping (for my interview) with Karen, we went to CostCo, and I noticed they sold coconut oil.  I've heard of it being used in a lot of natural products, so I wanted to try it.  Plus, with my sensitive skin, I'm hoping I can use it straight-out as a lotion. The jar is HUGE, so I put a small amount in a clean food container, and we'll see.  So far, it seems to work, but my skin feels greasier than normal.  Then again, my skin is normally so dry, this might just be normal.  I'll try it for a while and find out.  Rumor has it that it's naturally anti-bacterial, so we'll see if that changes anything.

This evening I went to the Twins game with Rachel.  I had a good time with her.  I miss hanging out with her at the office.  I feel very lucky to have such good friends.

Tomorrow I need to do more.  A lot more.  I NEED to get my skills-based resume done.  It just feels so overwhelming right now.  I need to vacuum my living room rug so I can fold clothes.  I may have overbooked my day tomorrow.  Then again, the folding clothes can be done during the Twins game tomorrow evening, so I can effectively use that time.  Oh, I also should get a birthday card for Phil.  And a small present if I can think of something to get him...

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